Friday, July 30, 2010

Coming Sunday August 1st.......

A NEW Beauty & the Big Girl!

Hey all! My laptop died and I am n the process of getting a new one, but this made me think that I needed to make some changes to the blog. I am still going to be focusing on beauty, but I am going to focus more on my weight loss journey and getting healthy.

Now, usually this is the point where I get called a hypocrite and I want to say up front that there is a difference between being a beautiful, HEALTHY, big girl and a trying to be pretty, OBESE, big girl. Being big can be okay, but being obese is not.

So, I hope you will all join me on my journey and as soon as I get my new lap top, I will be posting videos again, but until then, I hope you enjoy my blog posts :D

Anni -- Your leading Big Girl