CO Bigelow boasts that:
Our mint-infused lip balm provides a glossy high shine with a refreshing cooling sensation. Lips stay moist and protected while peppermint oil gives breath a long-lasting freshness.
I agree with all of this, but there is one thing I don't like. A little tube of it costs $7.50
Here is a quick before:
And after:
So as you see, it does give a good shine, but I can't get over the price. I would keep in in your bag though for those sweet kiss moments.
There is not much to say, so I am going to leave you with the cheat sheet:
Rating: 3
Product Cheat sheet:
Available at: Bath & Body Works is the only place I can find it.
Cost: $7.50 for .5 oz
Good for: mint lovers
Pros: Very minty, not sticky, fresh feeling.
Cons: Holy Schmoly the cost! Lack of ready availability.
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